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Best practices for welding aluminum
Aluminum’s corrosion resistance and high strength-to-weight ratio, as well as its high electrical conductivity, make it an excellent choice for many applications from aerospace to heat exchangers, trailer fabrication and, most recently, automotive body panels and...
Deburring: A standard operation?
According to LaRoux K. Gillespie, author of SME's Deburring and Edge Finishing Handbook, a shop can establish its own deburring standard, with the absence of one official standard in U.S. industry. It’s just a matter of communicating the specifics of the final edge...
Impregnation: Preventing Leaks, Improving Looks and Increasing Profits
Unimpregnated (top) and impregnated (bottom), post plating. “Out, damned spot, out I say!” What metal finisher hasn’t thought of Lady Macbeth’s famous soliloquy at some time? The incantation didn’t work for her, and it doesn’t work for metal finishers either. Spotty,...
Materials Used in Radiation Shielding
Radiation can be a serious concern in nuclear power facilities, industrial or medical x-ray systems, radioisotope projects, particle accelerator work, and a number of other circumstances. Containing radiation and preventing it from causing physical harm to employees...
Comparing Casting Process
Casting is a process in which liquefied material, such as molten metal, is poured into the cavity of a specially designed mold and allowed to harden. After solidification, the workpiece is removed from the die to undergo various finishing treatments or for use as a...